
where education knowledge is in motion

What is Knowtion?

Professional Learning Community dedicated to Education Professionals

 Knowtion is unique because it provides educators with an instant professional learning network full of opportunities to connect, learn, and advance in their field.  

It is an inclusive, safe, virtual community with streamlined access to industry information with a responsive, user-inspired community with highly trusted content

Collaborating as Individuals and Organizations

Organizations that subscribe to Knowtion have access to a private space where they can create and manage their own networks in an inclusive, responsive, and cohesive way. Individual users within these organizations can still access the public side of Knowtion as well. 

Opportunities to Earn and Learn

Together, education organizations and individuals form an ecosystem in the public space where they can learn from one another. You will find trusted, curated content that informs and supports your own professional growth. You can secure fellowships, sabbaticals, work studies, apprenticeships, grants, and more opportunities to “teach and….” 

Knowtion uses a framework to vet content to be posted and shared across the community.

Do you have content you want to share?


Knowtion is a great place for educators to discover and embrace opportunities that often go unnoticed amongst the hustle and bustle of daily teaching.
— Ben Kleiner, Teacher Leader Policy Fellow
Knowtion is an excellent resource for teachers! It provides us with opportunities to learn, discuss and even earn a little extra money!
— Kristin McKnight, Teacher Leader Policy Fellow
Knowtion is a great professional community resource to help educators grow in many ways; from PD opportunities to pertinent information at the state and national level to grants for our schools and students.
— Jessica Lantanzio-Crespo, Middle School Teacher and Literacy Coach